Monday, May 11, 2009

Tax Advantages! How To Beat The Tax Man At His Own Game?

Whilst most people start a business of their own to have more independence, time with family and of course - to make more money, and really astute people commence and establish their own business to keep more of their money in their pocket.

Many people do not realise there are countless tax advantages in having your own business enterprise. Hence, at tax time, being self-employed could save you and many other people, thousands of dollars!

Here are just a few things that may be tax deductible:

- Your telephone service
- Your home office
- Business start up costs
- Travel
- Car expenses
- A portion of your utilities
- Office supplies
- Business lunches or dinners
- That new computer you need to run your business.
- Software
- Postage
- Bank Fees…………..

………..and the list goes on and on. Many of these things you're paying for now outright – wouldn’t it be great if you could write them off? What would putting more of your money into your own pocket mean to you?

Just think, your next trip to Hamilton Island or the Caribbean could be a tax deduction if you are doing business with the Managing Director of the Resort. Wouldn't that be a blast?!

Naturally you will want to consult your accountant or tax advisor as laws vary from state to state, country to country and year to year. But what we can guarantee you is this: having a home-based business will help keep more of your hard earned cash in your pocket instead of 'The Tax Mans'!

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