Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"99 Ways To Skin A Cat"

It seems like everybody has their own theory on how to survive the recession. Just some of the kind of stuff you'll see across the internet and blogosphere is advice like:

1. Protect your job
2. Move while others are distracted
3. Earn extra money
4. Evaluate your mortgage
5. Refinance high interest credit cards
6. Reduce spending
7. Haggle your way to savings
8. Conserve and reduce your energy bills
9. Avoid taking on any unnecessary debts

I really could go on to reach 99 just to represent the saying, "99 ways to skin a cat". But I won't waste your time. I know you can Google it for yourself and find hundreds more advice from every Tom, Dick and Harry out there.

So let me get straight to the point.

With so many ways and advice, how come not everyone gets rich? How come not everyone who reduces their spending get rich? How come not everyone who has an education get rich? How come not everyone who starts a business get rich?

Because it's not about what you do, it's about how you do it. Cause while there are 99 ways to skin a cat, if you don't do it RIGHT -- whichever method you have chosen -- it won't bring RESULTS.

So what is the ONE right thing that you need to do to get rich?

Bob Proctor knows. And he wants to tell you that there is a science -- a formula -- to get rich. It's about doing certain things in a certain way. And this blueprint has been proven to make anyone get rich across centuries.

So before you waste your time trying out 99 ways blindly, get this one formula that will transform your financial future.

To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich - go to

Monday, May 18, 2009

World Financial Crisis? I Think Not

The current financial hurricane that is sweeping across the world has forced many world leaders to increase efforts in finding solutions to save their country from a total economic meltdown. Each day headlines on our televisions and radios and in our newspapers are filled with the latest in redundancies, bankruptcies and financial scandal resulting in despair and hopelessness in the eyes of the community.

The economic downturn has left many people without homes and the rise in unemployment has given wings to an increase in delinquencies. It has also forced many credit lenders to beckon help from Federal Governments, or, to humbly sell out to their competitors. The collapse of solid and wealthy companies and corporates such as Lehman Brothers and GMH and even banking institutions is a sign to the financial world that will never be forgotten. We are told that the situation will only worsen before it gets better. Surely this must mean there is no hope for us right?

While the present financial crisis will be one of the worst in the last one hundred years, we truly believe that no matter what happens we are in charge of our destiny -do you?

Why is it, that with all the economic difficulties around the world, some people still prosper and grow? Who are these people and what do they do? Let’s use the infamous Sir Richard Branson for example who has just launched yet another airline and also a luxury resort!! How can this be? I mean, aren’t we in the grip of the most economically challenging times of our time at the moment? All the news says so. Did you know that it has been said by those that predicted this current economic downturn that more millionaires are created in times like these than at any other time in history?

Did you know that the online home based business industry is increasing as people look to repair their financial situation? Why is this? Working from your own home or office, at times that are convenient to you, with little outlay, overheads and risk while also being your own boss and reaping all the rewards that are in fact from your own efforts. Sound inviting?

Do you want to know the success secrets of these trail blazing entrepreneurs, or should we just sit on our hands and wait for the government to fix the problem, accept our redundancy packages and severance pay and wither away?

Don’t wait to be handed your redundancy, lose your home and you and your families independence. Take the recession for a spin with for more details on what you can do. Act now! It not only makes sense to do what successful people to, it’s your right.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tax Advantages! How To Beat The Tax Man At His Own Game?

Whilst most people start a business of their own to have more independence, time with family and of course - to make more money, and really astute people commence and establish their own business to keep more of their money in their pocket.

Many people do not realise there are countless tax advantages in having your own business enterprise. Hence, at tax time, being self-employed could save you and many other people, thousands of dollars!

Here are just a few things that may be tax deductible:

- Your telephone service
- Your home office
- Business start up costs
- Travel
- Car expenses
- A portion of your utilities
- Office supplies
- Business lunches or dinners
- That new computer you need to run your business.
- Software
- Postage
- Bank Fees…………..

………..and the list goes on and on. Many of these things you're paying for now outright – wouldn’t it be great if you could write them off? What would putting more of your money into your own pocket mean to you?

Just think, your next trip to Hamilton Island or the Caribbean could be a tax deduction if you are doing business with the Managing Director of the Resort. Wouldn't that be a blast?!

Naturally you will want to consult your accountant or tax advisor as laws vary from state to state, country to country and year to year. But what we can guarantee you is this: having a home-based business will help keep more of your hard earned cash in your pocket instead of 'The Tax Mans'!

Retiring With Sophistication

The traditional belief to respect your elders has become nothing more than a historical maxim, lost in the pages of history. Many people, after retirement are quoted as the 'dormant' part of society. This sad outlook has been the main contributor towards undermining pension plans in many countries. The retired, after years of patriotic service, are simply defined as 'our elders'.
With the reduction in pension schemes there is an urgent need to supplement the little that is received. This need arises from the increase in healthcare and basic household expenses that are necessary for one's survival. In just seconds, the Federal Budget of any country can turn the dreams of many pensioners into a living nightmare filled with needs and sufferings.
To avoid this possible outcome, there is the opportunity of setting up a part- time business to supplement one's meagre pension earnings. This strategic planning will eliminate any possible stress than can occur due to monetary concerns in the future. There is also the advantage of being an active part of society, allowing many to apply creativity and their years of knowledge to their own home based business.
Retirement lifestyle- does not have to be confined to activities such as knitting and playing bowls all year long. This approach will only contribute to a 'lethargic' perspective of the golden years. With careful planning and proper time management, retirement can be redefined as frequent trips to the Caribbean, a world cruise or any adventurous pursuits that one has for years been mentally inclined to do.
With technological advancements and use of the internet, setting up a business from home has become easier, and the best part is, that very little costs are attached to getting this done. There is no need for technological knowledge to build a website as this has been done by the experts to guarantee your success. The packages that are attached to these home-based business websites are a remarkable upgrade against traditional approaches.
Many have embarked on being an independent distributor through these packages and securing for themselves a clientele that has rewarded them with financial freedom. The results are so outstanding that they even forget they were pension earners.
All of this is done in the comfort of your home at the time that best suits you. There is no need to ‘take orders' nor bow your head to say 'yes sir'. You are your own boss and you establish your own business requirements. Retirement should not be seen as the 'dormant years', but this entirely depends on you. Click Here to find your financial solution.